Wednesday, October 14, 2015


GUDEG is a typical food of Yogyakarta and Central Java which is made from young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk. It took many hours to make this dish. The brown color is usually generated by a teak leaves are cooked simultaneously. Gudeg eaten with rice and served with thick coconut milk (areh), chicken, eggs, tofu and fried sambal krecek.

1.) materials :

      a.) 1 kg young jackfruits and small pieces
      b.) coconut milk 1000 ml
      c.) bay leaves 2 pieces
      d.) galangal 4 knuckles
      e.) young teak leaves 6 or 7 pieces
       f.)  chicken meat to taste
       g.) 100 gr brown sugar
       h.) coconut water or plain water 1,5 L
       i.) 4 cloves of garlic and onion 10 cloves
       j.) 6 grains hazelnut
       j.) coriander to taste
       k.)1 teaspoon salt

2.) ways of making

1. for the teak leaves into 2 parts, prepare a pot and plain water or coconut water inputs and some teak leaves so that the aroma and color kedalamya average
2 .input jack are already washed and cut depth of the pot, put most of teak leaves on top and simmer
3. While waiting nangkanya soft, we have prepared the spices and other ingredients.
4. Enter coriander and salt into a mortar and grind.
5. Insert the garlic and onion and pecans, mix and puree
 6. prepared pan again input thereto earlier coconut milk and spices, simmer
7. input again galangal leaves, slices of brown sugar, pieces of chicken, hard-boiled eggs should also add to taste
8. When jackfruit already padded input into the pan containing the sauce and cook until dry seasoning
9. Taste first before serving add the sugar and salt when the taste is not as you wish
10.then serve with rice to taste

presenting examples gudeg :

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